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CPaint is a Paint program in basic for classpad II / fx-cp400.

-Contains 5 different tools: Pencil, rubber, circle (with custom radius), text and line (horizontal and vertical)
-It is possible to use 7 different colors: black, blue, red, magenta, green, cyan and yellow (all available colors)
-You can export your sketch as classpad image file and use it as graphs background or custom ending screen. :thumbup:

Image Image
(sorry for my drawing be bad but with a mouse I can not do better).

The most interesting feature is even the possibility of saving the image and use it in graphs background or custom ending screen :P as you can see below (in graphs):


Feel free to comment (and share a screen of your creations) :) ...

  • CPaint
This download was added Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:01 pm by helder7  • Last download Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:06 am

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