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Noteview 1.03.0044 (2012)
(NOTEVIEW for fx-9860)
The programs starts with a storage-memory-open-dialog filtered to *.txt-files and subdirectories.
In the first column of the display the file-/directorynames are shown.
In the second column the type of storage-memory-item is designated:
Subdirectories : 'D'
Files : 'F'
The third column holds the filesize (hexadecimal notation).
The forth column contains some internal information.

F1 - View:
opens the selected file and displays its content.

F5 - Color:
opens a color selection dialog to change the background color.
The value is stored in the main memory.

The code-range of the textviewer is limited to ANSI-characters and the CASIO-multibyte-characters.
If necessary the included utility HexDump can be used to transform textfiles according to individual needs before transferring them to the calculator.
On open the program tries to move to the last saved position.

The basic navigation is done by the arrow keys.
UP: one line up
DOWN: one line down
RIGHT: one page down
LEFT: one page up

Advanced navigaton:

F2 - Go pos:
Opens an input dialog to enter a new fileposition.
If possible, the program moves to the entered filepostition.
The line which contains the requested postion will be enhanced.
If a number beyond end-of-file is entered, the file is positioned in vicinity to the end-of-file.

F3 - Continue:
Opens an input dialog to enter a string to search.
The dialog switches automaticly to LOCK-ALPHA-mode.
Start the search with EXE. Cancel with EXIT.
The search will start after the current enhanced line, if there is one is in the visible range.
Otherwise it will start at the top of the visible range.
The search is case-insensitive.
After successful search the line which contains the requested string will be enhanced now.
The previous line enhancement will vanish.
If the string could not be found, an according message will show up.
The search string will be stored in the main memory and reused as default next time.
The space (" ") can be used as wildcard.

F4 - Search:
Works like "F3 - Continue". But it always starts at the beginning of the file.

F5 - Save:
Saves the current filepositon in the main memory.
The saved position is used automatically when the program is started the next time and the file with the same name is opened again. At present the program remembers only a single file's position. The saved postion is linked to the filename.

  • Noteview - TXT reader for Prizm
This download was added Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:51 pm by SimonLothar and last edited Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:54 am by SimonLothar • Last download Wed May 29, 2024 8:20 pm

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