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// FX9860G file converter 1.06 (Lothar Simon, 2008)

//// Main functions:
// 1. Transfer FX9860G data to PC (USB or 3Pin) and convert them into a PC-file (f. i. to conveniently edit them on PC).
// 2. Convert PC-files to FX9860G-files and transfer them back to FX9860G (USB or 3Pin).
// History:
// file-transfer (storage mem and main mem) using USB with FX LINK[1] (version 1.06+)
// (this option is more convenient compared with FA-124 while developing).
// for FX9860G SD: limited remote access to a SD card via FX LINK[1] (USB/3Pin)
// flash-dump using USB/3Pin with FX LINK[1]
// file-transfer using 3Pin with FX LINK[1]. (version 1.05)
// BMP->C (now supports up to 128x64-bitmaps).
// BMP converting now supports positive bitmaps, too.
// Deleted file recovery, G1S directory walking. (version 1.04+)
// Conversion to/from BMP(WINDOWS) to G1M (picture file) (version 1.03+)
// Conversion to/from BMP(WINDOWS) to G1M (single capture file) (version 1.02+)
// Conversion to/from TXT(EXCEL) to G1M (SpreadSheet) (version 1.01+)
// Conversion to/from TXT to G1E (eActivity): (version 1.00+)
// [1] thanks to neurON/AndreasB for providing an excellent FX-LINK-protocol documentation

  • FX9860G fileconverter 1.06
This download was added Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:43 pm by SimonLothar  • Last download Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:44 am

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