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CASIO fx-9860- and fx-CG-series and the fx-CP330+. Collection of some technical information I gathered since 2008.

Version 19,20:
Some information about DSP.
Most probably complete lists of SH7337/7355, SH7305 and SH7291 registers.
Some new syscalls.
Running code from RAM: an example.

Version 18:
Sending a file via the serial interface from out of an addin (fxCG), using the communications protocol 7.00. Look for "Sending a file via..." in the helpfile's index.

Version 17:
some information concerning the fx-CP330+
EDIT on 26.3.2013: corrected a typo in the title.

Version 16a:
Added some missing files in the SDK project directories.
(Did not expect, that anything else than the source files would be of interest. Sorry)

Version 16:
RTC, programming
Some hints concerning the SDK.
direct access to the serial output pins
Some news concerning the ADC
Detecting the MPU-type
New, changed or corrected fx-CG-syscalls: 0x1E99, 0x11DE, 0x11E2
How to disable the MENU-key on an fx-CG (see syscall 0x1E99)
Application enable restart

Version 15:
fx display backlight port assignments.
New or changed fx-CG-syscalls: 0x002B.
fx-hardwaretypes overview.
Actual source code of insight included.

Version 14:
New or changed legacy syscalls: 0x042E, 0x18A,
Communication Protocol: AHelper (omnimaga) successfully accessed the Protocol 7.00 with the fx-CG from USB.
fx-CG20, Protocol 7.00: AHelper (omnimaga) stated, that the names of the Get Device-Info record are not correct in every situation. A hint has been added to satisfy this.
new: eactivity-G3E-fileformat
changed: eactivity-G1E/G2E-fileformat
Some new entries in the setup-area table.

This download was added Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:55 pm by SimonLothar and last edited Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:49 pm by SimonLothar • Last download Sun Jul 14, 2024 1:11 am

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