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mylib is a helper library I made during my efforts to write a decent addin for casio 9860 sdk.
mylib tries to simplify things in C, like string manipulation, dynamic structures, and gui elements. It is designed for simplicity in mind, and not speed, so many of the functions contained maybe suboptimal at best.

The current version number is v0.45.

The description of the functions can be found in the command in mylib.h, and the example application named MYLIBT.c can be very helpfull in understanding the mylib usage.

The library contains, debugging functions, screen dumping, information functions, dynamic Strings, StringLists,Dialogs,DialogItems structs, display functions like Menus,questionBoxes,messageBoxes,multipleChoiceBoxes.
A new View struct that can be used to draw graphics or print text in double real coordinates.

obsolete to be upgraded functions:

Changes in v0.45:
The changes made a dialog more dynamic than before. You can now write custom code in response to the dialog user input.
-added a new event callback function to the dialog menu. This event function can handle the dialog data in response to user input. The supported events are:
EVENT_BEFORE_REFRESH: trigger when the dialog is ready to be drawn.
EVENT_AFTER_REFRESH: trigger when the dialog is drawn.
EVENT_ITEM_CHANGED: trigger when the user changed the contents of a DialogItem or selection.
EVENT_ITEM_NEXT,EVENT_ITEM_PREV: trigger when the user moved to another DialogItem.
EVENT_KEY_PRESSED: trigger when the user pressed a key different from F1-F6,Arrows,Exe
-added visible flag on DialogItem*. Now you can make a DialogItem of a dialog hidden. You can use this flag even during the dialog execution with the help of the new event system.

Changes in v0.42:
-all functions of structs String,StringList,Dialog,Matrix,DialogItem ... are 1based now for simplicity
- fixes in drawing on some of the items of Dialog
-update on string* functions. new stringFill and stringRemoveAt functions.
- all functions except stringSprintf use dynamic Strings now. More slow but more easy to program. stringSprintf buf[] size can be set at compile time with STRING_SPRINTF_SIZE #define
- fixes in isNumberKey and is AlphaKey
- rewrite of strInput to use dynamic strings and rename it to stringInput. The stringInput can now use arrow keys, and store bigger strings than its size.
- Removed all str* 0based pure c functions.
-added HEX number view to DEBUGNUM
-added #define MYLIB_DEBUG to disable ASSERT,DEBUGNUM,DEBUGSTR at compile time.

Changes in v0.41:
- Cleanup/fix some things in dynamic Strings
- Try no to use buf[] of chars in code, so to minimize unsafe operations. Uses now String (maybe more slow, but I don't care).
- Put more ASSERTs on code for boundary checking of bufs[]
- fixed DEBUGNUM macro (didn't display floats)
- drawLine,drawRect, now can use line patterns
- new and revisited view* functions:
. draw Lines,Rects,Points, FillAreas in real coordinates.
. convert between real and screen coordinates
. scale view around an origin.
. draw arrows
. line patterns work here too.
. viewPrintMini can ALIGN text Left,Right,Center and Vertical, on given point.

  • mylib: A helper library for 9860 sdk development
This download was added Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:42 pm by hayzel and last edited Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:05 am by hayzel • Last download from external URL on Thu Apr 04, 2024 4:03 pm

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