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View the latest post New info about the Casio Classpad fx-CP400

We were the first unofficial source in November 2012 announcing the new Classpad fx-CP400, the first touchscreen color graphing calculator.


Today we would like to share more details about this revolutionary calculator. A switzerland store revealed new information concerning the new Casio Classpad Fx-Cp400 (especially related with mathematical functions).

-5.5 MB Flash ROM memory, 24MB USB flash memory, programs and OS updates via Flash ROM
-Large color LCD display (320 x 528 pixels, 64k colors)
-Pen/finger touch screen operations
-Rotating screen by pressing a key (main application)
-Division of the screen into two windows to the application using a variety of editing functions such as drag & drop, copy & paste, etc. by a stylus operation
-Direct functional link between the applications on icon selection (one-touch)
-Virtual keyboard with mathematical functions, keyboard letters, special characters and catalog of all commands
-Natural mathematical notation
-Selection of given mathematical expressions to input the coefficients
-Icon menu
-Connection with PC via USB cable and calc-to-calc via 3-pin cable (included)

-Algebraic and numerical computing
-Fractions with "one-touch" conversion between fraction and decimal
-Access all mathematical functions by using the virtual keyboard for numeric and algebraic computations
-Calculations in degrees and radians
-Algebraic computing with commands such as solve, factor, expand, simplify, approx, combine, collect, etc.
-Calculations with complex numbers
-Conversion of sexagesimal into decimal and inversely
-Random number generator, permutation and combinatorics
-Vector Analysis: Calculating of dot and cross product
-Matrix: Creating matrices in mathematical notation, complete rows and/or columns, Determinant, Transpose, Eigenvector, Eigenvalue.
-Financial calculations
-Graphics and tables
-Number sequences
-Dynamic geometry
-Numerical solution of equations
-eActivities (electronic documentation tool for teachers and workbook for students)
-Basic programming
-Communication with ClassPad, PC, EA-200 and Casio Projectors
-User-selectable language

The mathematical functions of the Classpad fx-cp400 are quite similar to the previous Classpad 300/330 models as we expected. However, there is no reference about 3d graphics in that description (and none icon in menu screenshot).

Were disclosed the dimensions of the new classpad: 89 x 206 x 21 mm. It is slightly longer than its predecessor with the dimensions 84 x 189 x 21 mm, due to having a larger screen.

According to this store, calculator package should include:
Casio FX-CP400
Calculator-Calculator 3pin cable
Classpad <-> Computer Cable (USB)
Windows software CD
Quick Start Guide
Protection cover
Batteries (4 x AAA)

The first units are expected to hit the European (or at least German) stores in June. The calculator was also announced on China, middle east/asia, Russia and Latin America where should arrive during the summer (undefined date). Australia will receive the fx-cp400 in August. Although it was also announced in USA there is no release date yet.

The price that the source report is CHF 199.00 (≈ 160€) and speaks in 149.95€. I bet that the average price will be between 150€-160€ (and may change from country to country, depending eg taxes).

Were also published two new images using cas:
Images: Show
left - solving equations with two variables
right - expand and factorize a polynomial
Image Image


Views: 20941  •  Comments: 2  •  Write comments

View the latest post Fruit Ninja reaches the Casio Fx9860!

A few months ago, Deep Thought adapted the famous iPhone game (Fruit Ninja) for TI-83+/84 calculators using the keys as input (since these calculators do not have touch screen).

Afterward, Dark Storm (from Planet-Casio) began working on a similar project with the aim of bringing fruit ninja also for casio fx9860.

He managed to make a pretty faithful adaptation of the original game. The gameplay is impressive and the fruits have good fluidity and are quite realistic. The only less positive aspects are that sometimes is difficult distinguish the pumps and the controls are a bit difficult to use the first few times. But considering the limited device that we have (without touchscreen or colors) and that the game is still in beta the final result is very good!


If you like the game do not hesitate to test it and leave your comments!

Download Fruit Ninja by Dark Storm (from Planet-Casio)

Views: 24955  •  Comments: 4  •  Write comments

View the latest post Make an addin PowerGraphic2 compatible

I found an easy way to make addins PowerGraphic2 compatible. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Have you used IsKeyDown or IsKeyUp?
add this code on top of your program:
code: Show
Code: Select all
#define __KEYBIOS_H__
#include "fxlib.h"
#define KEY_CHAR_0 71
#define KEY_CHAR_1 72
#define KEY_CHAR_2 62
#define KEY_CHAR_3 52
#define KEY_CHAR_4 73
#define KEY_CHAR_5 63
#define KEY_CHAR_6 53
#define KEY_CHAR_7 74
#define KEY_CHAR_8 64
#define KEY_CHAR_9 54
#define KEY_CHAR_DP 61
#define KEY_CHAR_EXP 51
#define KEY_CHAR_PMINUS 41
#define KEY_CHAR_PLUS 42
#define KEY_CHAR_MINUS 32
#define KEY_CHAR_MULT 43
#define KEY_CHAR_DIV 33
#define KEY_CHAR_FRAC 75
#define KEY_CHAR_LPAR 55
#define KEY_CHAR_RPAR 45
#define KEY_CHAR_COMMA 35
#define KEY_CHAR_STORE 25
#define KEY_CHAR_LOG 66
#define KEY_CHAR_LN 56
#define KEY_CHAR_SIN 46
#define KEY_CHAR_COS 36
#define KEY_CHAR_TAN 26
#define KEY_CHAR_SQUARE 67
#define KEY_CHAR_POW 57
#define KEY_CTRL_EXE 31
#define KEY_CTRL_DEL 44
#define KEY_CTRL_AC 32
#define KEY_CTRL_FD 65
#define KEY_CTRL_EXIT 47
#define KEY_CTRL_SHIFT 78
#define KEY_CTRL_ALPHA 77
#define KEY_CTRL_OPTN 68
#define KEY_CTRL_VARS 58
#define KEY_CTRL_UP 28
#define KEY_CTRL_DOWN 37
#define KEY_CTRL_LEFT 38
#define KEY_CTRL_RIGHT 27
#define KEY_CTRL_F1 79
#define KEY_CTRL_F2 69
#define KEY_CTRL_F3 59
#define KEY_CTRL_F4 49
#define KEY_CTRL_F5 39
#define KEY_CTRL_F6 29
#define KEY_CTRL_MENU 48
#ifndef OS2Change
#define OS2Change
#ifndef OS2Change_GetOS2
#define OS2Change_GetOS2
typedef int(*sc_i2cp2sip)(char*, char*, short int*, short int*);
const unsigned int sc0015[] = { 0xD201D002, 0x422B0009, 0x80010070, 0x0015 };
#define GlibGetOSVersionInfo (*(sc_i2cp2sip)sc0015)
int OSVersionAsInt(void)
unsigned char mainversion;
unsigned char minorversion;
unsigned short release;
unsigned short build;
GlibGetOSVersionInfo( &mainversion, &minorversion, &release, &build );
return ( ( mainversion << 24 ) & 0xFF000000 ) | ( ( minorversion << 16 ) & 0x00FF0000 ) | ( release & 0x0000FFFF );
#define isOS2 (OSVersionAsInt() >= 0x02020000)
#define OS2(x,y) ((OSVersionAsInt() >= 0x02020000)?y:x)
#ifndef OS2Change_Keyboard
#define OS2Change_Keyboard
void delay(void)
char i;
for (i=0; i<5; i++){};
unsigned char CheckKeyRow(unsigned char code)
unsigned char result=0;
short smask;
char cmask;
unsigned char column, row;
column = code>>4;
row = code &0x0F;
smask = 0x0003 << (( row %8)*2);
cmask = ~( 1 << ( row %8) );
if(row <8)
   *PORTB_CTRL = 0xAAAA ^ smask;
   *PORTM_CTRL = (*PORTM_CTRL & 0xFF00 ) | 0x00AA;
   *PORTB = cmask;
   *PORTM = (*PORTM & 0xF0 ) | 0x0F;
   *PORTM_CTRL = ((*PORTM_CTRL & 0xFF00 ) | 0x00AA)  ^ smask;
   *PORTB = 0xFF;
   *PORTM = (*PORTM & 0xF0 ) | cmask;

result = (~(*PORTA))>>column & 1;
*PORTM_CTRL = (*PORTM_CTRL & 0xFF00 ) | 0x00AA;
*PORTB_CTRL = 0x5555;
*PORTM_CTRL = (*PORTM_CTRL & 0xFF00 ) | 0x0055;

return result;

unsigned char KeyDown(unsigned char keycode)
unsigned short key[8];
const unsigned short* keyboardregister = (unsigned short*)0xA44B0000;
   unsigned char row = keycode%10;
   memcpy(key, keyboardregister, sizeof(unsigned short) << 3);
   return (0 != (key[row >> 1] & 1 << keycode / 10 - 1 + ((row & 1) << 3)));
   return CheckKeyRow((keycode % 10) + ((keycode / 10 - 1) << 4));
unsigned char GetKeyMod(unsigned int *key)
unsigned char x, ret;

ret = GetKey(key);

for(x = 0; x < 80; x++)
    *key = x;
return ret;
#define IsKeyDown(x) KeyDown(x)
#define IsKeyUp(x) !KeyDown(x)
#define GetKey(x) GetKeyMod(x)

2. What libraries have you used?
mylib: It works without modifications.
MonochromeLib: replace
code: Show
Code: Select all
static int SysCallCode[] = {0xD201422B,0x60F20000,0x80010070};
static int (*SysCall)( int R4, int R5, int R6, int R7, int FNo ) = (void*)&SysCallCode;
char* ML_vram_adress()
return (char*)((*SysCall)(0, 0, 0, 0, 309));


code: Show
Code: Select all
typedef char*(*sc_cpv)(void);
const unsigned int sc0135[] = { 0xD201D002, 0x422B0009, 0x80010070, 0x0135 };
#define ML_vram_adress (*(sc_cpv)sc0135)

revolutionfx: That's a bit different. Try to use the modified version of 0.3: ... 5.rar.html
Note: You have to add the file revolution_asm.src to the source list and include "revolution.c" instead of "revolution.h".

More libraries are coming soon if I forgot one.

3. How have you used system calls?
If you use instant system calls or an assembler file (.src), everything is ok.
But if your code looks like this
code: Show
Code: Select all
static int SysCallCode[] = {0xD201422B,0x60F20000,0x80010070};
static int (*SysCall)( int R4, int R5, int R6, int R7, int FNo ) = (void*)&SysCallCode;
char* ML_vram_adress()
return (char*)((*SysCall)(0, 0, 0, 0, 309));

you have to change it.

Views: 14767  •  Comments: 1  •  Write comments

View the latest post Casio started releasing software for Mac Os X


Casio has launched two programs this week for Mac Os X
-> Fx-Cg Manager Trial
-> Casio Prizm Picture Conversion

A few years ago, they just release software for Windows, that had the highest number of users.
However in the last years Apple and its OS has grown a lot and they are following the trend of the market and consumers. ;)

Image Fx-Cg Manager for Mac

Views: 32068  •  Comments: 6  •  Write comments

View the latest post Casio will Release a new Classpad fx-CP400 with color screen

1, 2

Do you still remember the patents found by me one month ago? Yes they were real :o ! A new classpad (fx-CP400) is near.


The fx-CP400, comes which a large touch-panel color liquid crystal display (LCD) for easy viewing and operability with the incredible resolution of 320×528. We really need a screen upgrade, the old classpad screen quality was not the best.

This calculator will competing with the Nspire CX CAS.

The new Classpad model will be available in various countries starting in early summer 2013 (i cant wait :P ).

Quote by Casio:
Tokyo, November 27, 2012 — Casio Computer Co., Ltd., announced today that it will release a new model in its ClassPad series of graphing scientific calculators, the fx-CP400, which features a large touch-panel color liquid crystal display (LCD) for easy viewing and operability. The fx-CP400 will be available in various countries starting in early summer 2013.

Casio has contributed to math education around the world by developing advanced calculators that make it easier to learn. In 1985, Casio introduced the world's first graphing calculator, the fx-7000G, and in 2004 the company released the fx-82ES scientific calculator with textbook display that shows fractions and root functions as they appear in textbooks.

Launched in 2003 with the ClassPad 300, the ClassPad series features a Computer Algebra System (CAS) developed by Casio and pen touch operations using a stylus. Products in the series have earned a strong reputation as graphing scientific calculators among both students and instructors involved in math education.

The new fx-CP400 is the first in the ClassPad series to be equipped with a color display. With high resolution of 320 × 528 dots, its 4.8-inch large color LCD makes it easy to observe mathematical formulas, graphs, and images, while realizing more comfortable operability.

The large LCD vividly displays mathematical formulas and charts and is highly useful for understanding the relationships between equations and graphical data because it can display them both at the same time. Moreover, as an all-new feature, the fx-CP400 enables users to switch between an upright view and a horizontal view, which is useful for displaying long mathematical formulas, at the touch of a button. Users can intuitively operate the calculator using the stylus on the touch-panel LCD, and input data using the software keyboard.

Large touch-panel color LCD makes viewing and operating easy
Mathematical formulas, graphs and images are all vividly displayed on the 4.8-inch large color LCD in 320 × 528-dot high resolution. Users can check formulas and graphs at the same time on the display, making it easier to grasp their relationships. By enabling long formulas and charts to be displayed on the screen, the fx-CP400 is very useful for helping users better understand mathematics.

Users can draw graphic shapes on top of images to study such phenomena as parabolas produced by water fountains and the curvature of antennas. Combining mathematical functions with real-life phenomena in this way is bound to stimulate interest in studying mathematics.

Users can intuitively operate the fx-CP400 by using the stylus on the touch panel to graphically display mathematical formulas without complicated key operations simply by dragging and dropping the formulas into the graph area.

One-touch switching between upright and horizontal views

Users can switch the display between an upright view and a horizontal view simply by touching an icon on the panel. The horizontal view is convenient for displaying a long formula on a single line.

Wide range of functions useful for studying


Casio has redesigned the ClassPad series' software keyboard to make this new model easier to use, organizing functions to correspond to three levels of learning difficulty, beginning with basic functions used by everyone like fractions, square roots, and trigonometric functions, then advanced functions like differential calculus, complex compound numbers, and sigma calculations, and finally even more advanced calculations including piecewise and user-defined formulas. Furthermore, the fx-CP400 features a variety of functions designed to help students learn and instructors teach at school, including a USB mass storage function for quick and easy data transfer, and compatibility with Casio data projectors to enable the calculator's display to be projected on a screen.

Practical and stylish design

While featuring the same keyboard arrangement and operating style made popular by previous ClassPad calculators, the fx-CP400 is also fitted with keys that slope down from bottom to top, which helps prevent input errors when pressing vertically arranged keys. Stylistically, Casio has created an attractive calculator designed with a solid body and slightly oval shape that fits comfortably in the hand, and finished it in several shades of blue to evoke an intellectual look.



The casio just published the announcement on its Asia Website some hours ago and I with a bit of luck found him.
Casio Usa, Europe, Casio Education still have nothing published. We were faster than them :twisted:

I did a comparative table with the characteristics already known of this calculator vs. other casio calcs and nspire cx cas:


This new model features plenty of improvements compared with the old ClassPad. Possibly it will be more powerful than the prizm ;) , but i still do not know the speed of the cpu.

And future Sdk's, development, etc?
Possibly this calculator will have a BASIC interpreter, with backwards compatibility from older black and white classpads (like prizm /fx9860).
About SDK, there is no information. Maybe we can get more info, when they release the calculator manuals (for we check for add-in support) .

So, what do you think of this new classpad?

I'll try to get more information soon :D

Source - Casio Asia

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