
LMI(Linear Matrix Inequality) with CP400 - C++ Solver

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LMI(Linear Matrix Inequality) with CP400 - C++ Solver

Postby farahaniamir08 » Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:12 pm

HI experts

I bought CP400. I'm master Control Engineering and recently need solve LMI (Linear Matrix Inequality) in CP400. Is it possible or not ? can you give solution or algorithm program for Class pad 2 ? I want behavioral this Algorithm like YALMIP or SEDUMI solvers.I have C++ and C code solver for LMI but i don't understand can I compile and use it in class pad ?

Amir :D

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Re: LMI(Linear Matrix Inequality) with CP400 - C++ Solver

Postby SimonLothar » Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:13 am

farahaniamir08 wrote:...I have C++ and C code solver for LMI but i don't understand can I compile and use it in class pad ?

The CP 400 does not support addins any more.
I do not believe, that it is possible to use any C or C++ source (except perhaps as guideline to develop a program written in the CP 400 built-in programming language).
I'll be back!

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