Fruit Ninja reaches the Casio Fx9860!
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- helder7
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Fruit Ninja reaches the Casio Fx9860!
A few months ago, Deep Thought adapted the famous iPhone game (Fruit Ninja) for TI-83+/84 calculators using the keys as input (since these calculators do not have touch screen).
Afterward, Dark Storm (from Planet-Casio) began working on a similar project with the aim of bringing fruit ninja also for casio fx9860.
He managed to make a pretty faithful adaptation of the original game. The gameplay is impressive and the fruits have good fluidity and are quite realistic. The only less positive aspects are that sometimes is difficult distinguish the pumps and the controls are a bit difficult to use the first few times. But considering the limited device that we have (without touchscreen or colors) and that the game is still in beta the final result is very good!

If you like the game do not hesitate to test it and leave your comments!
⇓ Download Fruit Ninja by Dark Storm (from Planet-Casio)
Afterward, Dark Storm (from Planet-Casio) began working on a similar project with the aim of bringing fruit ninja also for casio fx9860.
He managed to make a pretty faithful adaptation of the original game. The gameplay is impressive and the fruits have good fluidity and are quite realistic. The only less positive aspects are that sometimes is difficult distinguish the pumps and the controls are a bit difficult to use the first few times. But considering the limited device that we have (without touchscreen or colors) and that the game is still in beta the final result is very good!

If you like the game do not hesitate to test it and leave your comments!
⇓ Download Fruit Ninja by Dark Storm (from Planet-Casio)
SiO2 + CaCO3 ----------> CaSiO3 + CO2
Re: Fruit Ninja reaches the Casio Fx9860!
It is not PowerGraphic2-compatible, yet, but hopefully soon.
- gbl08ma
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Re: Fruit Ninja reaches the Casio Fx9860!
Something like this for the Prizm, with quality graphics, would be exceptionally awesome 

Re: Fruit Ninja reaches the Casio Fx9860!
Unfortunately, Dark Storm lost all his data, so it'll take a while until we have a next version / a SH4 compatible version 

- louloux
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Re: Fruit Ninja reaches the Casio Fx9860!
Dark Storm found his data and he is now working on a new version, including SH4-compatibility.
Administrator of the French website Planète-Casio.
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