
UCF Summer Contest

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Calculators: Casio fx-9750GII, Casio fx-CG10

UCF Summer Contest

Postby flyingfisch » Mon May 21, 2012 8:06 pm

I'd like to announce the


This year's theme is Tools, Sims, and 3D.

  1. Entries will be for the fx9860, the Prizm, and the Classpad
  2. All entries must have been received by the 15th of August, 0:00, UTC in a topic on Results will be announced around one week later, depending on the amount of entrants.
  3. No previously released program may be submitted, but entrants are encouraged to release at any time during the next three months.
  4. Work must be original, but porting and usage of libraries are allowed.
  5. All entries must be in a zip file under a folder (not directly in the zip). They must have a readme, and source must be provided.
  6. Programs may be entered into multiple topics; for example, if I have a 3D simulation of a globe, I could enter it into both 3D and educational.
  7. Judges may not judge categories in which they will enter. Judges must apply by the 10th of June
  8. Prizes will be userbars, and whatever else we can get donated


C/Asm, Lua, and Basic will be judged together, with handicaps listed in the topics section.

  • Three Dimensional
    Create a program that utilizes 3D in some way. More points will be given for realism and better rendering (Raytracing versus Raycasting)
  • On-Calc Language
    Create any language that can be compiled or interperted on the calculator. Points will be given for greater extensibility, library support, and usability (or unusibility for esoteric languages- though they must be tasteful [line noise is not tasteful]).
  • Shell/File Manager
    The the Prizm (and to a lesser extent, the fx-9860) need shells (Of the $ kind) and file managers to enhance usability (and display pictures). Points will be awarded for usability (No mice, except for classpad) and features.
  • Educational/Simulations
    Create something educational, or something to simulate (Virtual ant farm gogogogo). Program must be original and creative (we already have enough programs that solve the quadratic formula). Make something kids can learn from.
  • Editor
    Create an editor of some sort.

Judging Topics

Topics will be judged on the following, using a 1-5 scale for each.

  • Category
    These points are to how well it meets each category's specs.
  • Graphics
    Is it snazzy? Do the features pop? Does it load fast? Two extra points will be awarded for basic games in this category.
  • Features/Originality
    What features are in this game/tool that make it different? What does it have that ABC doesn't? One extra point will be added in this category for lua and basic.
  • Documentation
    Is the readme thorough and well-written? Is there in-game/tool help? If I have a problem, is it easy to figure it out?
  • Usability
    How easy is it to do common tasks? Is the interface intuitive? Are the controls standard?
  • Bugs
    This is a negative category; If there are many bugs, this could seriously detract from your program, however, if there are no bugs, you don't have to worry.
  • Portability
    Up to 5 extra points will be awarded for porting your program to other platforms. More points will be given for reproducing the game more exactly (for ports to inferior hardware) or using the new features to give a new experience (for superior hardware). A multiplier will be added, depending on the language of the game: *.3 for basic *.75 for lua and *1.0 for C/asm.
  • H2G2
    This category's points will be awarded because the judges "really want to."

Remember folks, work hard, do great things, and most of all, Have Fun.

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Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:13 am

Postby Eiyeron » Wed May 23, 2012 8:12 pm

I'm thinking about a cellular automata, amidoingrite?

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