
Hey Casiopeia!

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Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:11 am
Calculators: Casio fx-9750GII (SH4)

Hey Casiopeia!

Postby joshotack » Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:03 am

Hey everyone! My name is Josh and I live in Ohio! I am excited to finally get an account on this forum (after a lot of procrastinating) and join this community. Ever since I started going to school, I've used Texas Instruments calculators; they had a great coding language (which I still like more than CASIO-Basic) and good documentation on everything about them from multiple websites. Last year in high school I went to Walmart and looked through the office/school area and saw the CASIO graphing calculators. I've used their pianos when I was little, seen their watches, and have seen a label printer from them. Never calculators. After that experience at Walmart, I went home and looked up the Casio FX-9860 calculators on YouTube, and I was amazed at how fast it was compared to my TI-84 Plus and how everything was well thought out.

Christmas 2018, I get a CASIO FX-9750GII! Woohoo! There was no fraction view like my TI-84 or that video I saw on YouTube, but whatever, I thought! I stayed up until 3 in the morning learning to use the calculator in the dark with my flashlight. I still had to get used to the placement of the +, -, *, and / keys, but I was a pro besides that. Before I went to bed, I looked up my model on YouTube and scrolled down until I realized that you could update your software to the FX-9860 software... Hm. Next night I got on my laptop and didn't think twice about installing the new OS. Luckily enough it worked! I now realize that it was probably unsafe to do that by reading some posts on this forum, but now I got add-ins, E-activitys, and that sweet sweet natural display.

After only using the calculator periodicly, I discovered that add-ins were actually written in C, holy crap! I found out about the SDK by translating the website planete-casio and just started making a random project with it. I have a lot of experience in JavaScript and Lua so learning C came (for the most part) naturally to me. This totally tops CASIO-Basic and TI-Basic to be able to code like a real man with everything I'd expect from a coding language. C is extremely fast on CASIO calculators and I pick up my sister's TI-84 and realized how poorly optimized the system is. Even their new line of calculators runs horribly slow.

But there are some problems with the community around CASIO graphing calculators and I bet everyone here realizes it. There is poor documentation on most things that I wanted to figure out about the CASIO when I first got it. Hell, my calc didn't even come with a manual. I really wish Casio had a community like Texas though because it is much simpler to search "if statements on ti-84" then to search through a 100-page manual from Casio. I think a simple solution would be for Casio to post separate pages for standard documentation on each function that shows up often on each calculator. I mean, as a suggestion, because it still is possible to CTRL+F on that 100 page PDF.

Annnnnnnnyways, hello! This community still is kind of active and you guys seem really friendly based on the posts I've seen. I may not be that active because I only do my coding on a old DELL Windows XP laptop which works really good for its age (and for of all of CASIO's outdated software!) It'll be fun to be a part of this small but stable community and interact with you guys. See you around!

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