C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
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- CalcLoverHK
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- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Welcome to C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
This help center is no longer active. For those who wish to follow the news of C.Basic, please go to the UCF or Planet-Casio help center:
https://community.casiocalc.org/topic/7 ... al-release
https://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/ ... ojets.html
What is C.Basic?
C.Basic is a BASIC interpreter add-in for your fx-9860G/GII and fx-CG10/20/50 to provide faster processing speed, extend current features of Casio Basic commands, some great features from C programming language and fx-5800P. Most importantly, it is almost compatible with genuine Casio Basic. Your Casio Basic programs should be able to run in C.Basic without any modifications.
Currently C.Basic (with single dot) is the interpreter part of C:Basic (with colon) project. Compiler part of C:Basic is still in a long way. According to sentaro21 and Krtyski, C:Basic will run 10 times faster than C.Basic.
Specially designed for:
Complete instructions website (by Krtyski): https://egadget2.web.fc2.com/CBasic/Int ... reter.html
Universal Casio Forum Help Center: https://community.casiocalc.org/topic/7 ... al-release
CodeWalrus thread: https://codewalr.us/index.php?topic=1818.0
Planet-Casio Help Center: https://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/ ... Basic.html
Latest version download links
C.Basic is an open source software created by sentaro21, licensed under GPLv2.
This help center is no longer active. For those who wish to follow the news of C.Basic, please go to the UCF or Planet-Casio help center:
https://community.casiocalc.org/topic/7 ... al-release
https://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/ ... ojets.html
What is C.Basic?
C.Basic is a BASIC interpreter add-in for your fx-9860G/GII and fx-CG10/20/50 to provide faster processing speed, extend current features of Casio Basic commands, some great features from C programming language and fx-5800P. Most importantly, it is almost compatible with genuine Casio Basic. Your Casio Basic programs should be able to run in C.Basic without any modifications.
Currently C.Basic (with single dot) is the interpreter part of C:Basic (with colon) project. Compiler part of C:Basic is still in a long way. According to sentaro21 and Krtyski, C:Basic will run 10 times faster than C.Basic.
Specially designed for:
- Programmers who experienced little in Casio SDK/C programming language
- Programmers who want to make their programs have functions that Casio Basic cannot provide
- Programmers who want a faster interpreter to increase fps
- User-friendly features from fx-5800P - ? and " "
- Most features from Casio SDK
- Almost compatible with Casio Basic programs
- Significantly increased processing speed especially in drawing graphs
- Built-in file explorer
- Features for gathering system informations
- Easy-to-use program editor
- Built-in debug mode
- Can convert .txt program file to .g1m/.g3m or vice versa
- Automatic indent (can be toggled)
- Some Casio Basic commands are not supported currently.
- Because of using floating-point calculations as SDK does instead of fixing point BCD, handling numbers with decimal value may get result of having calculation error.
- Not all programs are bug-free. Please feel free to post bug reports here.
- This add-in is still unfinished. You can give your suggestions here. We are glad to listen to your thoughts and appreciate to your contributions.
Complete instructions website (by Krtyski): https://egadget2.web.fc2.com/CBasic/Int ... reter.html
Universal Casio Forum Help Center: https://community.casiocalc.org/topic/7 ... al-release
CodeWalrus thread: https://codewalr.us/index.php?topic=1818.0
Planet-Casio Help Center: https://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/ ... Basic.html
Latest version download links
- For fx-9860G/GII series: https://egadget2.web.fc2.com/CBasic/arc ... sions.html
- For fx-CG series: https://egadget2.web.fc2.com/CBasic/arc ... sions.html
- For fx-9860G/GII series: http://www.casiopeia.net/forum/download ... &df_id=176
- For fx-CG series: http://www.casiopeia.net/forum/download ... &df_id=177
C.Basic is an open source software created by sentaro21, licensed under GPLv2.
Last edited by CalcLoverHK on Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:57 am, edited 4 times in total.
- CalcLoverHK
- Member
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
Re: C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Hi Casiopeia community,
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released. They are updated in the download section here.
(The following changelogs here are written by sentaro21 and modified by me.)
Common new features
-Fixed the "EditListChar" of setup bug that List1~List6 of the old command did not be changed.
-Fixed the bug that List1~List6 of the old command did not work when copying List.
(example) List 1->List2
-Improved loading speed of matrices and list intialization is up to 2x faster.
(example) {1,2,3}->List 1
(example) [[1,2,3][4.5,6]]->Mat A
C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series 2.29 beta
-Improved key input on SH3 machines.
-Chaneged the name of "EDIT TopLine" in the setup to "HideStatLine".
C.Basic for fx-CG series 1.29 beta
-Improved ManualCG_EN.txt.
(Re-uploaded) -Improved ManualCG_EN.txt.
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released. They are updated in the download section here.
(The following changelogs here are written by sentaro21 and modified by me.)
Common new features
-Fixed the "EditListChar" of setup bug that List1~List6 of the old command did not be changed.
-Fixed the bug that List1~List6 of the old command did not work when copying List.
(example) List 1->List2
-Improved loading speed of matrices and list intialization is up to 2x faster.
(example) {1,2,3}->List 1
(example) [[1,2,3][4.5,6]]->Mat A
C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series 2.29 beta
-Improved key input on SH3 machines.
-Chaneged the name of "EDIT TopLine" in the setup to "HideStatLine".
C.Basic for fx-CG series 1.29 beta
-Improved ManualCG_EN.txt.
(Re-uploaded) -Improved ManualCG_EN.txt.
- CalcLoverHK
- Member
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
Re: C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Hi Casiopeia community,
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released.
Common new features
-Added "@" option to the ? command so it can be used on the current screen.
(example) ?@(5,5,5)->A
This can enter 5 columns from Locate coordinates (5,5).
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released.
Common new features
-Added "@" option to the ? command so it can be used on the current screen.
(example) ?@(5,5,5)->A
This can enter 5 columns from Locate coordinates (5,5).
- CalcLoverHK
- Member
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
Re: C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Hi Casiopeia community,
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released.
Common new features
-Added the Undo function to the editor. (Suggested by piu58 in UCF Help Center)
-Improved initializing of Matrix/List/Vct.
(Reuploaded 2019-10-15)
-Fixed the bug that the cursor position does not return when UNDO is executed when the cursor is moved outside the screen after DEL.
-Fixed the bug that the program size was not changed when [PASTE] of UNDO.
(Reuploaded 2019-10-16)
-Fixed the bug that memory was insufficient when repeated Mat/List/Vct initialization.
[CG] -Fixed the drawing position of the SketchThin was shifted by 1 dot.
(Reuploaded 2019-10-17)
-Fixed the ? command bug that could not be initialization input to Mat/List/Vct. (enbugged in 2.29)
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released.
Common new features
-Added the Undo function to the editor. (Suggested by piu58 in UCF Help Center)
You can only undo once only in [DEL] and DEL/CUT/PASTE in CLIP mode.Example: ABC123|
-Press [DEL]
Becomes ABC12|
-Press [ALPHA]+[DEL] (UNDO)
Becomes ABC123|
-Improved initializing of Matrix/List/Vct.
(Reuploaded 2019-10-15)
-Fixed the bug that the cursor position does not return when UNDO is executed when the cursor is moved outside the screen after DEL.
-Fixed the bug that the program size was not changed when [PASTE] of UNDO.
(Reuploaded 2019-10-16)
-Fixed the bug that memory was insufficient when repeated Mat/List/Vct initialization.
[CG] -Fixed the drawing position of the SketchThin was shifted by 1 dot.
(Reuploaded 2019-10-17)
-Fixed the ? command bug that could not be initialization input to Mat/List/Vct. (enbugged in 2.29)
- CalcLoverHK
- Member
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
Re: C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Hi Casiopeia community,
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released.
Common new features
-Fixed the bug that 1-byte command was not displayed in Help function. (enbug in 2.20)
-Fixed the bug that Shift+Alpha lock was released by [EXE] (CR).
-Added feature that % can be entered by [Alpha]+[(-)].
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released.
Common new features
-Fixed the bug that 1-byte command was not displayed in Help function. (enbug in 2.20)
-Fixed the bug that Shift+Alpha lock was released by [EXE] (CR).
-Added feature that % can be entered by [Alpha]+[(-)].
- CalcLoverHK
- Member
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
Re: C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Hi Casiopeia community,
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released.
C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series 2.33 beta
-Fixed the bug that the cursor position jumps when canceling by Shift from clip mode of standard font editor.
-Fixed the bug that freezes when F2/F3 is pressed in Shift+F3+F5 hex dump mode.
C.Basic for fx-CG series 1.33 beta
-Fixed the bug that color was not initialized after Plot command.
New versions of C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series and fx-CG series has been released.
C.Basic for fx-9860G/GII series 2.33 beta
-Fixed the bug that the cursor position jumps when canceling by Shift from clip mode of standard font editor.
-Fixed the bug that freezes when F2/F3 is pressed in Shift+F3+F5 hex dump mode.
C.Basic for fx-CG series 1.33 beta
-Fixed the bug that color was not initialized after Plot command.
- CalcLoverHK
- Member
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
Re: C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Hi Casiopeia community,
New versions of C.Basic for FX series and CG series has been released.
Common new features
- Changed the specification of editor that when the file is opened again, the cursor position comes to the same place.
(Up to 7 files (FX)/16 files (CG) are supported.)
- Fixed the bug that sub-program disappear after program interruption when the Help function is enabled.
(Re-uploaded 2019-11-11)
Fixed a bug that did not return to the previous cursor position after program execution.
New versions of C.Basic for FX series and CG series has been released.
Common new features
- Changed the specification of editor that when the file is opened again, the cursor position comes to the same place.
(Up to 7 files (FX)/16 files (CG) are supported.)
- Fixed the bug that sub-program disappear after program interruption when the Help function is enabled.
(Re-uploaded 2019-11-11)
Fixed a bug that did not return to the previous cursor position after program execution.
- CalcLoverHK
- Member
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
Re: C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Hi Casiopeia community,
New versions of C.Basic for FX series and CG series has been released. This version fixed a fatal bug in FX version.
FX version
Fixed the bug that Clip & Paste of the matrix editor stopped working due to memory exhaustion error. (Enbugged in 1.88)
Common new features
Fixed the bug that the file size becomes +1 by the Save command of the character string.
Load "test.txt"->Str 1
Save("Test.txt"),Str 1
The file size of "Test.txt" is increased by 1 byte, which is a bug.
New versions of C.Basic for FX series and CG series has been released. This version fixed a fatal bug in FX version.
FX version
Fixed the bug that Clip & Paste of the matrix editor stopped working due to memory exhaustion error. (Enbugged in 1.88)
Common new features
Fixed the bug that the file size becomes +1 by the Save command of the character string.
Load "test.txt"->Str 1
Save("Test.txt"),Str 1
The file size of "Test.txt" is increased by 1 byte, which is a bug.
- CalcLoverHK
- Member
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
Re: C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Hi Casiopeia community,
C.Basic for FX series (2.36) and CG series (1.36) has been released.
- Improved the display frequency of the cursor of the editor.
(Re-uploaded 2019-11-14)
- Fixed a bug that caused text conversion twice when running the program, resulting in a memory shortage.
C.Basic for FX series (2.36) and CG series (1.36) has been released.
- Improved the display frequency of the cursor of the editor.
(Re-uploaded 2019-11-14)
- Fixed a bug that caused text conversion twice when running the program, resulting in a memory shortage.
- CalcLoverHK
- Member
- Posts: 27
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:14 am
- Location: Hong Kong
- Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50
Re: C.Basic - Casiopeia Help Center
Hi Casiopeia community,
Because I am quite busy these days, the updates here are late. Now I will skip the uploading of version 2.37/1.37 (but still has description here).
C.Basic for FX series (2.38) and CG series (1.38) has been released.
For version 2.37
-Fixed the StoPict bug that the PICT file size was increased by 12 bytes (2080 bytes, correctly 2068 bytes) when saveing to main memory.
-Fixed the StoPict bug that the PICT file was not saving to storage memory.
For version 1.37
-Fixed the StoPict bug that the PICT file was not saving to storage memory of G1M mode.
For version 2.37/1.37
-Fixed the bug where the space in comments was deleted when "Save-" of "Edit +Indent" was set in the setup.
-Fixed the bug that an error occurred when copying to Str variable when the length of the list label was 8 characters.
(example) "ABCDEFGH"->List 1[0]
List 1[0]->Str 1
For version 2.38
-Fixed the editor bug that the screen is shifted down when pasting on the 6th line when the upper status bar is displayed in the editor.
For version 2.38/1.38
-Fixed the bug that the order of files with period characters in the name was reversed.
-Fixed the editor bug that could not be edited when the stored cursor position was after the end of the file.
-Fixed the RclPict bug that full 2KB Pict loading from storage memory.
Because I am quite busy these days, the updates here are late. Now I will skip the uploading of version 2.37/1.37 (but still has description here).
C.Basic for FX series (2.38) and CG series (1.38) has been released.
For version 2.37
-Fixed the StoPict bug that the PICT file size was increased by 12 bytes (2080 bytes, correctly 2068 bytes) when saveing to main memory.
-Fixed the StoPict bug that the PICT file was not saving to storage memory.
For version 1.37
-Fixed the StoPict bug that the PICT file was not saving to storage memory of G1M mode.
For version 2.37/1.37
-Fixed the bug where the space in comments was deleted when "Save-" of "Edit +Indent" was set in the setup.
-Fixed the bug that an error occurred when copying to Str variable when the length of the list label was 8 characters.
(example) "ABCDEFGH"->List 1[0]
List 1[0]->Str 1
For version 2.38
-Fixed the editor bug that the screen is shifted down when pasting on the 6th line when the upper status bar is displayed in the editor.
For version 2.38/1.38
-Fixed the bug that the order of files with period characters in the name was reversed.
-Fixed the editor bug that could not be edited when the stored cursor position was after the end of the file.
-Fixed the RclPict bug that full 2KB Pict loading from storage memory.
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